Feb. 10 Roundtable on International Divorce in Japan
Date: Thursday, February 10, 2022, 9 am to 11am JST Join us for a roundtable discussion on international divorce in Japan. Wewill explore the complexities of international divorces in Japan andavailable solutions through the perspective of foreign spouses, academics,human rights specialists and government officials. The rate of divorce forinternational couples is higher than for endogamous […]
Feb.10 Webinar event! Climate Change and Japan Energy Transition
We are happy to invite you for a webinar, ‘Climate Change Laggard? Understanding Politics, Economics, and Technology of Japan’s Energy Transition’ on February 10, 2022 (6 pm-7.30 pm JST). We will engage in discussing the political, economic, and technological aspects of Japan’s energy transition policies. If you are interested in the topic and would like […]
Interdisciplinary Workshop “Practice and Research in Least Developed Countries”
The International Undergraduate Degree Program of the School of Human Sciences (HUS) of Osaka University is organising an Interdisciplinary Workshop on “Research and Practice in Least Developed Countries” with the desire to host academic and professional discussions and explore the state of the art concerning sustainable development in LDCs. Informed by ample experience in scientific […]