Learning in Action

Japanese language class
Introduction to Sociology
Lunch at the university cafeteria
Introduction to Politics
Data Processing Skills
After Class: Study at the library
Student Council
The HUS IUDP Student Council is a student-based organization which was established in 2019. The main and ongoing goal of the council is to represent the voices of the HUS student body, organize programs and events intended to be of benefit to the community and serve as a liaison between faculty members and students. The council has planned several successful projects such as the Freshman Mentorship Program and Housing Mentorship Program, both of which support first-year students adjust to their new life in Japan. We also try to take part in Osaka University’s annual school festivals such as Machikanesai and Ichosai. Our future goals include devising more fundraising opportunities, planning educational events and mixers, as well as producing more social media content to capture the lives and experiences of HUS students.
YouTube Channel: G30 HUS Student Council
Instagram: hus_g30

SA Opportunities
Student Assistant experience: Linh
Hi everyone, my name is Linh and I am currently a 4th-year student in the Human Sciences International Undergraduate Degree Program. I have been working as a student assistant (SA) ever since my 3rd year of university and it has been one of the most rewarding experiences.
Extra Curricula Activities
Hult Prize: Haruna
Embracing Abnormality: The Abundance of Opportunities Available During the Pandemic at Osaka University
While my three and a half years at Osaka University was indeed a turbulent experience with the pandemic, it was nonetheless eventful thanks to the online opportunities and extra-curriculars that were available.
Volunteer Opportunities: Wakana
If it was like any other year in 2020, I would’ve had my exchange year in Canada, maybe created great memories, and returned with an experience I would cherish for a lifetime… But sometimes things just don’t go according to plan, and with COVID-19 and the subsequent travel restrictions, everything started to fall apart.
Dorm and housing information: Sheena
Attending university marks a significant milestone in most students’ lives, since it is often the first time they have to navigate living independently, away from the comfort and familiarity of their family and childhood friends. For me, this transition was made all the more memorable by my decision to live in the International House on Toyonaka campus.
Multilingual Café in Toyonaka Campus: Mei, Hana, Rezi
The multilingual cafe is an incredible opportunity for language and cultural exchange offered by the university. As a participant in the English cafe, I have been able to utilize my language skills to help others improve their own. Although English is not my first language, I have learned it through listening and conversation, and now I want to use my abilities to assist others.
Club and Circle
Instagram: hus_g30
Club teams and student experiences: Yuzuka
Since I participated in multiple sport teams in high school, I had a strong desire to join a competitive sport team at university as well. Through participating in trial practices for several clubs, I realized that the Osaka University Swim Team is the best suited for me to achieve one of my lifelong goals, which is to become a balanced person who is good at both academics and sports.
Club teams and student experiences: Kamalini
I joined the swim team in my freshman year in late 2020, months after most people in my grade had joined the team. I did not know how to swim and to this date cannot swim. I had no knowledge of the sport and the sole reason why I had joined the club was because I was bored and therefore, wanted to meet new people.
Circle experiences: Alissa
My name is Alissa Matsunaga and I am currently a 3rd year student at the Human Science International Undergraduate Degree Program (IUDP). One aspect of university that I was most excited for was the clubs and circles.
Exchange Program
Study Abroad: Maria
At Osaka University, you have the opportunity to study abroad for one or two semesters. The options are endless: the US, South Korea, the UK, Australia, India, Brazil, Canada, Russia, Singapore … I personally chose Rice University (Texas, USA) as my destination for my one-year study abroad experience.
Study Abroad: Sara
My name is Sara Shibata and I am currently a senior at the HUS program. Osaka University has allowed me to experience and learn different things, in and outside of the classroom. One of the highlights of my four years at Osaka University is during my junior year, when I had the opportunity to study abroad at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD).